I became my own best advocate through Mercy Connections

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I became my own best advocate through Mercy Connections

"I’ve been going to Mercy Connections for six years, and there I have a loving supporting community. There’s the family you are born into and the family you make."

I’ve been going to Mercy Connections for three years, and there I have a loving supporting community. There’s the family you are born into and the family you make. I have made a beautiful loving family of many brothers and sisters [at Mercy Connections].

My early life was filled with trauma and abuse. In 2017, I had a near fatal suicide attempt and if it wasn’t for Sadie (my dog) I wouldn’t be here right now. I really didn’t expect to be alive, and I’m grateful that I’m alive now.

In 2018, I came to Mercy Connections and there I learned about me and discovered my self-identity. I found out that I matter and have a life to live.

They helped me in ways that I never could have imagined. They took away years of shame and feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt… they took that away. I don’t think I would be here without Mercy Connections. I can almost say I would not.

Going into COVID-19, I did not know what to expect. I had never been able to be isolated and be healthy. Through Mercy Connections reaching out and holding classes, the participation with Mercy Moments, Leadership, Circle, and Book & Writing classes has given me the routine I need. It has made me feel like I’m not alone.

I became my own best advocate through Mercy Connections. They helped me find my voice and gave me my power back. The life I am living now is truly my own life, and it is beautiful and wonderful.

Go to Mercy Connections and you will see the way that I believe we were meant to live.

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